MOTM Face Plate Schematic Drawings |
In the process of planning my modular analog synth, I drew schematic drawings of the faces of the modules. Then, by creating .jpgs from the drawings, I assembled them into layouts to help me determine optimal configuration. I also created a patch sheet I can use to record my patches. I'm posting the .jpgs here so others can use them to create designs and patch sheets. I didn't make drawings of the power modules (900 & 950) because I'm putting mine on the back of my synth case. To download a Power Point file of my 11" X 17" design/patch-sheet to use in developing your own, click here. For what it's worth, I'll post the design of my synth case here sometime soon along with the related AutoCad files. |
MOTM 101 - (click on these thumbnails to open full-sized images you can save and use) |
MOTM 120 - |
MOTM 190 - |
MOTM 300 - |
MOTM 310 - |
MOTM 310 - |
MOTM 320 - |
MOTM 380 - |
MOTM 390 - |
MOTM 410 - |
MOTM 420 - |
MOTM 440 - |
MOTM 450 - (from Paul's new-stuff Page) |
MOTM 480 - |
MOTM 485 - |
MOTM 490 - |
MOTM 510 - |
MOTM 650 - |
MOTM 700 - |
MOTM 800 - |
MOTM 820 - |
MOTM 830 - |